Horizon Prep has a mission, andi t is to educate boys and girls in a Christian environment, full with values so they can become in great adults, and good liders for the future.
A new generation will be shaped there, education and spirit, under the words of god, in
Southern California Prep SchoolWith some points that they will develop it their students like: Spiritual Faculties, Social Faculties, Intellectual Faculties and Physical Faculties the Horizon Prep will get the best of their students.
Under the words “Not to be served but to serve”, their students will go out to the World spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ, achieving seek high levels of moral responsibility, they will practice kindness, humility and mercy with others.
They also make a point in health, so the students will have regular physical activity, that will keep their bodies in a good shape, avoiding drugs and other vices, purity of the body and a healthy mind will do the trick.
Of curse those teachings starts in an early age they also has a place for kids, in the
Christian Preschool San Diego , so you can send your kids there, to have a great formation in values.
So you can have all that in
Southern California Prep School .