Medicare and Medicaid

It is difficult to explain the health system in United States, so it is difficult to understand how it works, it requires time, patient, and of course a site to do so.

First of all, in case you don´t know medicare is health insurance for people age 65 or older, under age 65 with certain disabilities,and any age with permanent kidney failure. On the other hand Medicaid is a jointly funded, Federal-State health insurance program for low-income and needy people. In medicare you have a basic plan, but there are many medicare supplemental plans

Medicare has several parts: part A, part B, part C and part D.

Part A is Hospital insurance, part b is medican insurances just like doctors and flu shots, part c is part a plus part b with anothers benefits, and part d has a service of drug coverage that covers your prescripted medication by your doctor. There are ways to aplly to part D, here is How to apply to medicare part D

To be able to get medicare you must have been living in the US for 5 years legally.

If you are enrolled to medicaid part D, you can choose a drug plan, there are many drug plans, but AARP Medicare drug plan offers 3 big drug plans. You can get one of them, Rx Plan, Rx Plan-Enhanced, or Rx Plan-Saver.

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