Mobile Marketing

According to Philip Kotler (considered the father of marketing) “Marketing is the social and managerial process by which groups and individuals meet their needs by creating and exchanging goods and services". Others says that marketing is an art, or a ciencie, or a mix between art and cience

Its a key to success in sales, if you know that marketing is the way, and you see that nowadays almost everyone has a cell phone the logical reasoning is putting these two together. Well, that is just what we will tell you about. This mix between marketing and cell phones is called Mobile marketing

Mobile Markeing has become in one of the new ways of selling products and services.

There are several ways of Mobile marketing, text for content (you can send Pictures, ringtones, and all kind of content to a cell phone), text for info, Contests, Games, text to vote, or text to win among other ways of reaching your target audience.

In this type of marketing are very important the shortcodes. Shortcodes are short numbres, special telephone numbers, that are designed to be shorter to read out and easier to remember

In Mobile marketing you have an Enterprise that outcomes their oponents, and that is Cellit Mobile Marketing, Cellit Works with large and small companies, and among others big corporations as Hearst Corporation and HSBC, as well as nearly 60% of all Broadway shows use their service.

They can five you the number that you were looking for, you can get your very own 5-digit phone number to make your Business work better.

Remeber this, today everyone has a cell phone, and the cell phone is the best way to reach your audience, new generations depends on them, so the impact is bigger, and older people also has one, so its a really good resource to exploid. You can
increase sales and make a product known, with little effort.

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